Services We Offer


A root canal is a procedure that is used to repair and save a damaged or infected tooth. The nerve and pulp are separated during a root canal procedure, cleaning and sealing the inside of the tooth.

Root canal treatment in the oral cavity is another way to preserve the tooth. While in a dental practice, root canal therapy is regarded a daily procedure, making it painless is the strength of a specialist. Our specialist team has root canal knowledge and has the ability to execute it painlessly.


A cosmetic filling is the name of a dentistry operation that uses a substance such as silver amalgam or a composite (white) filling to handle a decayed tooth, which prevents further teeth decay. 

The last decade’s eating lifestyle makeover is a telling parameter that dramatically changes our body composition. The factor of obesity due to junk food, heart problems due to inedible oil consumption, eating chocolate or cakes as a standard rather than exception, making our teeth vulnerable to the cavity. Nowadays, as part of the celebration that makes our teeth worst impacted by the cavity, we have began celebrating so many days, activities and festivals that drive us to consume sweets and chocolates. It generates a gap or breaks the region affected that may cause further decay of the tooth. Dental fillings are one of the ways to combat further harm and restore the teeth.


Typically, an energy bleaching therapy includes soft tissue isolation with a resin-based, light-curing barrier, application of a professional hydrogen peroxide whitening gel. Decolouration of teeth is a prevalent issue experienced by individuals throughout the globe.

The most common cause of teeth discoloration is black tea, black coffee, smoking, red wine, traditional foods that involve the use of spices such as turmeric. Besides that, sodas and aerated cold beverages can damage the enamel and make it more susceptible to discolouration. Whitening teeth products such as toothpastes or home remedies can do more harm than good as well. Usually these products operate by removing the enamel layer that can lead to tooth sensitivity. Therefore, it is suggested that it should be performed under the guidance of a dentist at the dental clinic if you want a million dollar bright white smile.


A dental implant supports one or more false teeth. It is a titanium screw that may substitute the tooth root if it fails. A dental implant is basically a titanium screw to substitute the root of a missing tooth in the jaw bone

A dental implant is basically a titanium screw to substitute the root of a missing tooth in the jaw bone. A tooth implant method is quite technically delicate and should only be performed by extremely skilled and experienced dental implant experts in India. For a missing tooth, we consider an implant the best replacement because:

It is the most conservative replacement for the missing tooth because, unlike in a bridge, the adjacent teeth are not touched.

›› It is the only substitute that stabilizes the underlying bone for a missing tooth.
›› It’s as nice as a natural tooth when it comes to chewing effectiveness, looks and speech ease.
›› The implant may last a lifetime if retained by the patient.


Bridges and crowns are fixed prosthetic equipment cemented by a dentist or Prosthodontist on current teeth or implants. Crowns are most frequently used to completely cover or “cap” a damaged tooth or to cover an implant.

Aditi Oro Dental Care Dentist has many distinct kinds of dental crowns available. Depending on the place of the crown, your dentist will recommend the best choice. A ceramic, resin, or sometimes even gold crowns may be recommended. To suit the fresh crown with the form and colour of your current teeth, our dentists use their knowledge and contemporary technology.


Laser surgery involves the use of lasers to treat different dental conditions. It was used commercially in dental clinics for dental procedures. Laser technology has been introduced in few years ago in medical processes. Laser dentistry is rapidly becoming a common technique for many dental procedures include:

›› gum lifts
›› TMJ disorder treatments
›› viewing gum and tooth tissues
›› teeth whitening
›› detecting cavities

Soft tissue laser dentistry eliminates the need for stitches, minimizes bleeding and sterilizes the on-the-go region to minimize the danger of infection. Laser dentistry is an increasing sector that creates potential for high treatment accuracy and minimizes pain and recovery after surgery.


Dentists are committed to children’s oral health from childhood through adolescence. Doctors have the knowledge and skills. Dental illness is one of the most usual reasons for missing college for kids, but it is almost completely preventable. Regular dental check-ups are a major component of a child’s healthcare routine and may eventually prevent severe issues. The Aditi Oro Dental Care Center is responsible for the routine and complicated dental requirements of your child.

Almost every insurance scheme, including Medicaid, Child Health Plan Plus and uninsured patients are gladly accepted.


Clear alignment treatment relates to a number of clear dental devices created in the form of a patient’s teeth. Clear alignment progressively improves appearance and function with smooth application.

CLEAR ALIGNERS alignment is nearly invisible at a glance, making them a great alternative for patients not looking for metal braces. Your orthodontist will begin with your bite molds and then create a series of removable plastic trays that fit over your teeth. As therapy advances, every week your orthodontist offers fresh trays to guide the teeth softly into alignment. The trays are always to be worn and removable for activities like brushing, flossing, eating or drinking. Invisalin and other clear orthodontic treatments are similar to Clear Correct trays.


Orthodontic therapy is a way to lift or move teeth to raise their appearance and function. You might have seen children on their teeth wearing braces or cables. They actually go through this therapy called “orthodontic therapy.” This therapy corrects your teeth’s irregularities. For instance, if because of crowed or crooked teeth you have a poor bite.

The uneven position of the teeth leads to an unwanted appearance and smiles. To correct these issues, this therapy must be undertaken. Wires and brackets assist transfer teeth to the right place from their present place. Orthodontic treatment also helps improve the condition of oral health and the growth of facial bones. Not only does orthodontic treatment improve your teeth’s appearance, it can also stop major dental issues from developing later in life.